Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to do diabetes home test kit

A home blood sugar test kit reads glucose testing strips. These strips allow the machine to detect the level of glucose in a drop of blood.
People obtain a sample of their blood with a lancet, or small, short needle.
For the most accurate testing, people should keep a record or log of the food they eat and look for trends in their blood glucose readings.

How to do diabetes home test kit

Whether consuming a high- or low-carbohydrate meal, a higher-than-normal blood sugar reading after a person has eaten suggests that their body is not reducing blood glucose successfully after mealtimes.
Before testing, people will need to read the manual for the blood glucose monitor and testing strips. Many home glucose monitors work in different ways. In most cases, people should only insert testing strips into the monitor immediately before a reading.
After consulting a doctor about the right testing schedule and frequency, a person can follow these steps:
Wash and dry the hands before handling the testing kit.
Some methods recommend cleansing the testing area with an alcohol swab. Others may merely advise washing with warm, soapy water. With either, make sure the area is dry before taking a sample.
Some glucose monitors allow testing on the arm or another, less sensitive area of the body. Rapid changes in blood sugar may not present accurately in less sensitive areas. The finger is usually best when monitoring for rapid changes in blood sugar.
When testing on the finger, use the side of the finger, and test different fingers on each occasion. Most lancets allow the user to set how deep they penetrate the skin. People with thicker or drier skin should set the penetration higher.
Before lancing the finger, position it against a solid surface. Apply the lance firmly but not forcefully.
Gently squeeze the finger while holding it at chest level and allow a drop of blood to flow onto the diabetes home test kit.
Note and record the blood glucose reading following each test.

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